A part of the reason why guys act like total male bitches is because they are fearful of women. For some reason or other, most guys are scared shitless of women. This is why guys act in extremes. One extreme is that they would come off as smooth and domineering and confident so they can get into those panties. On the other extreme is that they let women walk over them. Neither of these situations is optimal.
You have to be comfortable in your own skin and start communicating with women as equals. Don’t look at them as just people who just happen to have what you’re looking for. In other words, according to this thinking, it’s perfectly okay to lie and cheat these women so they can give up the pussy. You don’t have to stoop that low. You don’t have to destroy your humanity just so you can get pussy.
You can simply be comfortable in your own skin by finding certain things that you can be proud of and reflecting this to women. They are naturally drawn to confidence. That’s hardwired into their DNA. They can’t resist that. They also have a natural in born way of detecting bullshitters so come correct. Be real.
The best way to do this is to stare your fears in the eye and look past them. It’s not going to happen overnight but the more you do it, the more you’ll start living life in such a way that your fears are not dictating our actions.
A little compassion goes a long way
What is the secret of guys who get pussy regularly? Very simple; https://www.findlocalfuck.com . They are able to step into the shoes of the women they are trying to impress. In other words, they are able to look at the world from the perspective of chicks that they want to bang. Of course, a lot of these guys are scumbags because all they want is sex. But if you are able to look past that, you would see the secret here.
The secret is by simply becoming more selfless, you will be able to achieve your otherwise selfish goals. Ironic, isn’t it? But that’s how the world works. In fact, expert sales people, people who sell millions of dollars’ worth of merchandise every single year know this first hand. They have a rule. To get what you want you must first give people what they want. Apply that rule to your sex life and you will be drowning in pussy, guaranteed.